Since Jenni has come on board my sister’s quality of life has improved significantly. Despite my sister’s needs being complex, Jenni has overcome so many issues from the day to day care, expanding the private team with experienced professionals to supporting the family with thee clinical negligence case. 

Jenni continues to find solutions to problems big or small that can arise at anytime of day or night, minor or complex. Jenni is very organised and her wealth of knowledge and experience is priceless, we couldn't ask for a better case manager. My sister can now see her long term future because Jenni has been proactive right from the very start.

Client’s sister, NC - March 2023


I have been working with Jenni for in excess of five years and am continuing to work with her. She has provided and is providing, Case Management services, support, expertise and advice in respect of the care and support regime that is in place for my wife. She has a great depth of knowledge and experience, which is greatly appreciated and useful. I enjoy working with Jenni, finding her very practical, efficient and proactive in her approach, she is easy to talk to and get on with, and I have been and am very satisfied with the service she has provided over the years.

DG, client’s husband - March 2023


I met Jennifer Rudd after my mum‘s accident in April 2021. 

She has been amazing! Very supportive, always at the end of the phone day and night and has taken the pressure off my family immensely. 

Always very professional, reliable and willing to help in any circumstances.

If she doesn’t know something she’ll point us in the right direction to get help.

She always has a friendly caring smile. An absolute amazing person who I would highly recommend!

KP, client's daughter - March 2023


My Case Manager, Mrs. Jennifer Rudd, Occupational Therapist, has been a pillar of strength to me and my family since she took up the challenge in late 2020, when I was still in hospital recuperating from a serious life changing bus accident.  

Jenni was recommended to me by my lawyer. She has helped me through many trying times in a variety of ways to live my life as normally and independently as possible as an amputee. 

Jenni is highly motivated, resourceful, eminently capable, skilful, meticulous and unflappable.  No job is too big for her. Amongst many things, Jenni has been instrumental in making contacts with physiotherapists, occupational therapists, doctors etc. etc. She also made contacts with the NHS and helped to acquire for me the Kenevo Microprocessor Prosthetic leg with a knee joint.  Jenni together with my family, assisted in finding me a one level access accommodation close to where my son and family live. 

We have a great rapport with each other, and have gelled excellently! 

I would highly recommend Jennifer Rudd to whoever requires an excellent Case Manager. 

GB, client - March 2023


I have had the pleasure to have been assigned Jennifer Rudd as my case manager, Jenni has been with me since I had an awful accident in October 2019.
Jenni has been of the upmost help in anything I have needed during all this time, I truly don’t think I could have coped with the stress of all the constant demands of my case, nothing has been too much trouble for Jenni she gives me not support with all arrangements, appointments etc but also emotional support.
Thank you Jenni

JP, client - March 2023


I have worked with Jenni to provide rehabilitation for a number of individuals following catastrophic injuries. Jenni works extremely hard to both meet and anticipate each person’s needs. She is friendly but highly professional and very easy to communicate with. Her quick grasp of complex situations means that each individual realises their full potential, whatever the challenges. I would highly recommend Jenni.

JC, Specialist Physiotherapist (Neurology) – November 2019


To recommend Jennifer Rudd would be somewhat of an understatement. Throughout the time I have worked with her I have been unequivocally impressed to have a Case Manager that is both attentive and compassionate as well as having the strength and sound clinical judgement to ensure her clients best interests are always observed. Amongst a vast list of positive professional and personal attributes, Jenni is enviously organised and thorough in her approach. As a result, her clients are well informed, well supported and it is evident through this approach that her clients feel heard and trusting that their personal interests are always in the forefront of Jenni’s mind. Jenni is client centred, quick to respond, systemic in approach, champions independence, comprehends the needs of the client’s family/social network, and exhibits a perfect balance between empathy and professionalism. As I say, the list is vast. Jenni’s ability to manage large complex teams goes without saying, but her ability to foster a positive and collaborative working environment within a dynamic and often challenging system is something that should never go under appreciated. And I feel it is safe to say that it doesn’t. Professionals, clients, and families alike, all appreciate Jenni’s ability to manage their case with such a high level of professionalism as well as such a high level of care. I could go on, but I feel that re-visiting my opening statement aptly sums up my endorsement; To recommend Jennifer Rudd is an understatement.

FB, BI Support Manager, Home Care Services Provider – December 2010


I have known Jenni in my capacity as a treating physiotherapist on a number of complex cases she has managed for three and half years
In my experience Jenni has always remained focused upon addressing the unique needs, goals and best interests of her clients, managing the varied multi-disciplinary teams efficiently and effectively.

Jenni instills confidence in her communications skills ensuring everyone is kept well-informed, building trustworthy and professional relationships with everyone involved in often complex and stressful situation for the clients and their families particularly.

SdlF, Specialist Neuro Physiotherapist – November 2019


I have worked alongside Jenni for the past 2 and half years, in a professional manner, supporting one of Jenni’s cases. We provide support with medication and the general well-being of her client. Jenni supports her client with all aspects of his life and supports him with his medical needs, emotional support and medical appointments. The client she manages has greatly improved his life, in the beginning he was very anxious and would panic over the smallest of things, and would regularly call on the emergency services to come to him as he felt he could not cope with the simplest of day today tasks. Over the time through Jenni’s support and guidance and the input of working closely with our CAREGivers, this has now ceased. The client is now much more focused, and although he still needs lots of encouragement and continued support, is now on a weight management programme and keeping to a diet to improve his weight and lifestyle. The client will listen more to advice provided by Jenni and is more willing to try new things. They have recently got in contact with their child, who is now visiting him regularly and this has greatly improved his whole confidence. Jenni is very prompt to react to any changes that may occur with her client and keeps us up today with any chances she feels will and have benefited to her client. Due to her support and the good working relationship she has with CAREGivers and office staff this client is now in a very good place. From all her input, to getting us on board and with his medication and medical needs now being on a more stable course, he has a much better quality of life. The client has a very high regard for Jenni and is very grateful for all she does for him.

JS, Care Coordinator, Home Care Provider – November 2019


I have worked with Jennifer in regards to supporting several clients. Jennifer supports her clients and goes over and above what is expected of her. Jennifer has a vast skill set which equips her to deal with any matter, regardless of how big or small. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Jennifer. She keeps me well informed and supports us to provide extraordinary service to the clients. Jennifer is prompt, polite and extremely compassionate. I, alongside our clients that Jennifer has worked with, trust her intently. I could not recommend Jennifer highly enough.

JB, Registered Care Manager, Home Care Provider – March 2017


I’ve had the privilege of working with Jenni for a number of years in both the NHS and private sector.

I’ve always found Jenni responsive, organised, efficient and caring. Despite the challenges of the case manager role, Jenni has always been empathetic to her clients and supportive to her rehabilitation team members.

I would not hesitate to recommend Jenni to colleagues or clients.

PM, Neuro Occupational Therapist – November 2019


Since being a case manager for my brother, she has made a major difference to his life.

Where other case managers had failed him, Jenni came in and hit the ground running. Firstly helping him find his forever home. Helping to organise architects, builders, interiors.
She has boosted his health drastically. Keeping appointments up to date, at the right intervals. Assisting with medication levels, which has literally saved him.

Jenni has assisted with new wheelchairs, top of the range limbs.

His social life has taken a turn for the better. He has a reason to get up and go out. She has assisted him in getting him into classes, getting up and out. It has given him the boost that he drastically needed.

Her capability, and promptness are second to none. She makes promises and delivers them. She isn’t just a case manager, she is the difference to my brothers life! I couldn’t recommend Jenni enough.

She deserves lots of recognition for all the wonderful work she does and continues to do.

LT, client’s sister – November 2019


Working with Jennifer is a pleasure. She consistently works to a high standard, she is a clear communicator and builds excellent relationships with her clients.

Jennifer expertly coordinates multidisciplinary teams to ensure that clients receive high quality and well-coordinated holistic assessment and treatment plans. She is reliable and consistent and is able to manage highly complex clients.

Additionally, her positive attitude fosters a culture of supportive working relationships with her clients as well as within the wider multidisciplinary team.

Dr CS, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist – November 2019


Jenni was recommended to us just after my parents were involved in an RTA in 2017. From our first meeting at the hospital, Jenni proved to be compassionate, professional, organised and a ubiquitous whirlwind of saving grace.

Jenni was able to organise every aspect of my parents care whilst in hospital and was able to prepare for their needs for their return home. She was always first to react to anything that needed arranging tirelessly negotiating with the legal team and insurance companies to ensure every last detail was taken care of.

My family will be forever grateful for everything she has done for us, and their future lives and care will most certainly be longer and better due to all of her hard work.

We can never thank you enough.

JL & TL, client’s family – December 2019


Jenni has been working with my family for 2 years after my parents were involved in a near fatal car accident. They were both left with life changing injuries. Jenni has been a lifeline, ensuring they both had the treatment they needed while in hospital, speaking with Doctors, therapist and ensuring they had the treatment, equipment and support they needed. She facilitated adaptations to their house to make it possible for them to return home and start to rehabilitate. Throughout this experience, Jenni has been professional, very approachable and always on the end of an email or phone. She has been a continual support to all of our family, without her, I don’t know how we would have managed. I believe that Jenni has been a vital component in my parents recovery and has enabled them to rebuild their lives, albeit, a different life. She has worked tirelessly on their behalf and I couldn’t recommend her highly enough.

SO, client’s family – November 2019


When my brother was knocked down on a controlled pedestrian crossing, he sustained physical injuries such as cuts, lacerations, broken bones, but most significantly a head injury. The obvious physical injuries were resolved, but his ability to function with normal activities was significantly impaired, and he was transferred to a dementia assessment ward for what we thought was preparation for rehabilitation. How wrong we were!

In desperation at the lack of progress or proper treatment for the head injury, we turned to solicitors who specialise in brain injuries, who in turn appointed Jenni as Case Manager. What a transformation!
Jenni immediately set about preparing an incredibly thorough Assessment Needs report, demonstrating the need for provision of services to adults with brain injury.
The transformation planned in the report was immediate.

Appropriately trained staff joined NHS staff on his ward, to ensure his welfare and dignity were maintained.
Plans were made and implemented to obtain the neurorehabilitation denied to him by the State, and so he relocated away from the Assessment Ward, where he got no rehabilitation, to a specialist Hospital where he got world class rehabilitation support.

Once the treatment period was over, Jenni led the application to the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), which eventually led to agreement for continuous NHS funding for his care.

From the initial Road Traffic Accident, through rehabilitation, and establishing full time care took over 18 months. Jenni was there all the way to provide meticulously reporting, implementation, reviewing, monitoring and adapting my brother’s needs: and to us who would have been worn down emotionally without her support. Beyond the call of duty Jenni routinely visited to ensure her former charge was being cared for appropriately.
Jenni’s knowledge, experience and above all humanity has been beyond all expectations and has been the major factor in securing my brother’s proper care.

Jenni is without doubt the best in her field, and we as a family are eternally grateful that she came into our lives and made such a difference for my brother.

Mr B, client’s brother – March 2017


As you know my case has now settled and I wanted to say a massive thank you for all your help, organising everything and often just listening to me!

You ascertained what help I needed and should have had, then went about getting it for me.

Having a brain injury is frightening, as sometimes subtle changes make no sense and having a bright and cheery case manager in your corner knowing they are fighting to get the help you need was wonderful for me and I cant thank you enough for that Jenni.

I would be more than happy to chat to any of your clients or potential clients to tell them of my experience of having a wonderful Case Manager!

Thank you a million

R, client – September 2020


Jenni has been wonderful to work with these past 2 years, regularly keeping in touch with me, making sure I had everything I needed for my recovery, and always checking in to see how my sessions with my physiotherapists and personal trainers were going. I never hesitated to reach out to her if I needed help or had a question about something to do with my recovery sessions, and she always responded promptly. She has always been very generous with her time and I can tell that she genuinely cares for my recovery and wellbeing; I was always happy to talk to her and let her know how I was getting on. She recommended some excellent specialists for me to work with and the whole team were in regular communication with each other, making it very easy for me to work with a number of different experts and feel like my recovery needs were being taken care of from all angles, with Jenni’s support at the helm.

JThu, client – January 2021


Jenni was introduced to me by my solicitor in December 2019 after I had sustained a spinal injury a few years previously. Since that time, Jenni helped me in many areas of my life. She arranged all my therapy and medical appointments and would send me reminders to ensure that I did not forget to attend!

Jenni suggested services that she thought would assist me and would talk these through with me until I was comfortable to proceed. As a result, my independence increased and I started to engage in activities that were meaningful to me.

Jenni always responds quickly to my emails and she was always at the end of the phone to listen and to follow up on any of my concerns. She is passionate about her work, making sure that I followed the best path for rehabilitation and improved as much as I could. I would highly recommend Jenni as a Case Manager.

ELH, client - December 2020




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07804 630342

